Conversion Support

MedSys Group offers top-rated conversion support services to assist organizations with bringing their systems live and ensuring users are fully supported throughout the project. Our conversion support teams are structured to align with your needs to ensure a successful go-live through to optimization.

At-the-elbow support

Our consultants possess top-tier expertise and are extensively trained, holding relevant credentials that ensure their ability to contribute to your success. With strategic, tactical, and operational experience, program leadership, and project management skills, our consultants seamlessly integrate with your existing team for a smooth transition. Our experience has led us to a group of differentiators we believe allows us to enhance the delivery.

tool sets

MedSys Group has invested heavily in a unique set of tools that help us recruit, maintain, and manage a qualified workforce to support conversions. These tools allow us to be selective with our consultants to ensure we have the right skill set to meet client needs. Our consulting management tools allow us to deploy teams across multiple facilities, providing them with a mode of communication with others and the ability to flex staff when needed.

change management and communication

MedSys Group recognizes and understands the importance of creating a well-informed user population for significant IT endeavors. Users who understand the benefits to themselves and the patient population are more inclined to adopt the system more quickly than others. From creating change agent networks to user communications, we are equipped to provide your organization with an adoption strategy that’s more than just training.

Adequate Preparation Before Deployment

We recognize that even the most talented teams can be limited if they are not aware of the departmental pain points and cultural considerations within your organization. We work with you to understand the potential struggles of each department and plan accordingly by creating collateral and educating our teams prior to deployment.

Team structure

The way we position our leadership teams throughout a facility allows us to investigate and resolve questions or issues more profoundly, thus limiting the number of unnecessary tickets being logged. This management structure helps us facilitate a clean communication cadence with the command center during shift change and escalate discussions. Our leads routinely collect user feedback and communicate trends to other shifts and leadership.

Provider-Centric Support Teams

While we are equipped to support all users of a Health IT initiative during conversion, we recognize that the provider population is paramount for overall adoption. In many cases, we deploy a provider-focused team that acts as a concierge level of support to our physician population. We recognize that the needs of each provider can be drastically different and believe that a more intimate support structure can be vital to the project’s success.

“The MedSys Group ATE team has been immensely helpful, accommodating, pleasant and patient. We appreciate all their efforts."
RN Care Coordinator
Health System in Pennsylvania

Performing an effective go-live

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